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Car Keys & Fobs

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Mechanical car keys are those that don't have an electronic chip and can start the vehicle without programming them. Older cars between 1961-1996 usually use metal mechanical keys.

Transponder chip car key.

Transponder Key has an electronic chip built into the head of the key that is hidden in the plastic shape of the key. Transponder key will not start your car until it is programmed into your cars computer system.

Laser cut high security car key

Laser Cut Key offers a vast amount more security than typical car key, and is cut in either a dimple or a snake pattern. This kind of key requires a specific laser cut machine in order to cut it.

Tubular car key

Tibbe keys cut on 4 different sides and require a specialty machine. Starting in 1990 Jaguar discontinued using standard keys and moved to tibbe keys. Some of the newer Ford models use tibbe keys as well.

key fob replacement near me

Smart Key will allow you to lock unlock and start your vehicle while this key is in your pocket. This is a new complete smart proximity key. This key will work with vehicles equipped with the push to start button.

Motorcycle key made

Motorcycle keys are usually double sided. Most of the motorcycles brands such as Suzuki Yamaha, Honda, Triumph, Kawasaki and Harley Davidson use metal keys and do not have a transponder.[/vc_column_text]

Older GM VATS car key

The VATS acronym stands for Vehicle Anti-Theft System, and is a security feature found on several different GM model vehicles from 1986 to 2005. There are 15 different VATS resistance values.

Car keyless access fob

A keyless entry allows you to control access to vehicle without using a traditional mechanical key. Most keyless entry fobs in USA operate at a frequency of 315 MHz 0r 433.92 MHz.

Car ignition lock and door lock

Car new ignition and door locks can be rekeyed and be matched to the existing keys on the spot. Some of the keys that come with new ignition lock need to be reprogrammed in order to start the vehicle.

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For any and all locksmith and security problems, give us a call today. We at Sevan look forward to helping you quickly resolve your issues through courteous and knowledgeable service using high-quality, durable products. Why? Because your security, convenience and satisfaction are our highest priority.

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