The windows of your home serve a few important purposes by design. They let light in, give you a view of the world outside, and can be an integral part of your home’s look and appeal. The tradeoff is they are structurally weaker than the surrounding walls and make themselves an easy option for breaking into the house.
Sevan Locks and Doors is your resource for security in Seattle, WA and surrounding areas. Let’s cover some points to consider regarding window security in your home.
Your home windows are there for your privacy. You want to use them for viewing the outside while keeping what’s inside out of view. The less someone can see from outside your windows the less likely they are to be interested in what’s inside.
The privacy your windows provide can be enhanced in many ways. Shades, blinds, and curtains have been in use for as long as windows have. These do an excellent job of limiting light as well as blocking the view into your home.
Each one has their advantages and limitations. But all can be used for windows at ground level and above. Thorny bushes are another privacy enhancement you can choose for windows on the ground floor. The strategy is to make a thorny barrier in front of the window and make it harder to reach. All bushes and plants in front of ground floor windows should be maintained about waist level so anyone in the bushes cannot hide from view completely.
Windows are a target for criminals to enter homes. People install multiple deadbolts on their doors and have electronic codes or combos for their garage doors but typically neglect window security. So criminals will look for windows that need repair, are left open, are left unlocked, and are suitable for breaking without being too loud. This includes windows on the second floor and above as well.
Today simple things can be done with your windows to help keep uninvited guests out. Window locks like pin locks, screw locks, and even lengths of wood or pipe in spanning the moveable sash and frame will prevent windows from being opened from the outside. Window sensors have been a part of home security systems for decades and will alert you when a window is opened or broken.
Security film on the inside of your home windows will make them even harder to break into. When a pane of glass with the film on it is impacted, the glass may break but it will not shatter and drop away. The broken glass is held together with the film and stays in place, providing a barrier to entry.
There are situations where you don’t want the window to open without your knowledge from the inside. Small children or loved ones that need supervision in a safe environment need to have secure windows to prevent accidents. The various frame locks and out of reach latches serve the purpose in these instances.
Where opening and exiting a window from a height for example is a safety risk. It’s easy to see how the window sensors and remote access locks available with home security systems today provide the ultimate protection inside and out.
Don’t trade security for safety. Widows are installed in all living spaces for another important reason. To provide access and egress in case of fire. This is the main argument against having bars bolted to the windows. If there is a fire in your home, and you cannot leave by the door, you need to be able to open a window quickly to get out. Likewise, if you are trapped in a fire and the first responders can get to you through a window, your chances of survival are much better.
Call Sevan Locks and Doors for your security needs today at 206.207.7061. Safety and Security in Magnolia, WA is our business and we take it seriously. Find out how we can enhance your safety, security, and peace of mind today.