Even though it’s rare, you’ll probably have to deal with a broken ignition key in your lifetime. Broken ignition keys happen when the key snaps in half. As a result, you are left with half the key stuck in the lock. With these tips, you should easily be able to resolve the situation. Discover some things that you can do to help. And there are also some things that you should never do.
There are certain things to do when you discover your key is broken in the ignition of your car or truck.
If your car key gets stuck in your door, all you need to do is grab a pair of pliers to fix the problem. Sometimes a pair of pliers will fix the issue. First, you need to check how much of the broken key is sticking out of the lock. If there’s enough space to pull it out with a pair of pliers, you should be able to get it out. Don’t twist the key with your pair of pliers. Twisting can cause the key to break again. If this happens, you won’t be able to pull the broken key out. Once you remove the pieces, bring them to a locksmith. A pro can make a replacement key.
What if a pair of pliers does not work? Another option is to purchase a set of removal tools. Removal tools should be flat and narrow with small hooks on the end. To remove the stuck key from your lock, take one of the tools and slide it along the key. It may take two tools to be able to get it out. If you have to use two tools to get it out, be sure to apply claw-like pressure to get the key out. If you’re still having issues pulling it out, use a lubricant. And spray the lubricant on the lock to get the key out. The lubricant can be powder or liquid.
Many people can’t get the ignition key out of their car doors or ignition. Now it's time contact a Seattle locksmith that is always on call. Also, if you don’t want to risk removing the broken key, you should call a locksmith. Most of the time, it’s better for a professional to come and remove the broken key for you. Trying to remove it yourself could cause unnecessary damage to your vehicle. And iff you cause more damage, it’ll cost you more money to get it fixed.
If your key breaks in the ignition, there are some things you should not do, despite popular opinion.
Someone may have told you to use magnets to try to remove the broken ignition key from your lock. But you shouldn’t do this. Using magnets to remove the broken ignition key could cause you to attract iron filings and metallic debris. And if the magnet attracts these things, it could mess up your ignition or door lock.
Someone may have told you to use a thin strip of metal and super glue to remove the ignition key from your lock. But you shouldn’t do this. People usually say to try this method because the thin strip of metal will be thin enough to fit between the key. And the lock or ignition and that the bond of the glue will make it easy to come out. Sometimes, the glue will actually bond to the lock in your door or the ignition in your car. If this happens, a professional will have to drill the lock out and replace it. Not only would this be time-consuming, but it would also cost you a pretty penny. Also, his method rarely works.
Some people try to get broken ignition keys out by using a screwdriver. Don’t do this. Using a screwdriver will mess up the lock on your door or the ignition in your vehicle. Damaging the lock or ignition will end up costing you a lot more money.
Some people try to use dental picks to get their ignition key out of their door or ignition. Don’t do this. There isn’t enough space to be able to maneuver the pick around the broken key to remove it. This method rarely works.
It’s not uncommon for car keys to break. Car keys break for numerous reasons such as wear and tear, excess force from the driver, extreme changes in the weather and debris in your door lock or ignition. Always be gentle with your car key when locking and unlocking your doors and when removing and placing the car key in the ignition. Always be sure to gently rotate the key in the ignition to prevent pressure so that it doesn’t snap in half.
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