Garage doors with two or multiple springs typically experience one spring breaking while the other(s) remain intact and operating normally. Even with the finest springs on your door, it is unpredictable at best to know for certain when and if the other spring will fail.
Replacing both is the safest bet for homeowners since this keeps the wear on the springs even. This also saves you from having to make a second service call in the near future. For quality garage door spring service and replacement, call Sevan Systems today.
Garage door springs are designed to withstand immense strain and use throughout service life. However, even the best and strongest springs will eventually break. Common reasons behind a broken garage door spring include general wear and tear, rust, and improper maintenance.
A garage door spring's overall life and use can be effectively extended and improved with proper care and maintenance. Improper installation can also cause a garage door spring to break, so homeowners should always have their springs professionally installed.
Spraying the spring with a silicone-based lubricant three to four times a year can help keep it well-lubricated, preventing rust and increasing its lifespan. Check the garage door balance at least once every season and lubricate the spring a few times a year. Checking your garage door's balance is especially beneficial in the winter when most springs tend to break.
A garage door spring typically lasts for 10,000 cycles. A single cycle typically includes both opening and closing the garage door. That translates to seven to nine years for a majority of garages. However, with frequent use, some springs may last only four to five years. Your springs may need to be replaced if you notice gaps developing between the coils, as this can be an early indicator of spring failure.
Your garage door's springs' primary job is to balance the door, ensuring that all sides simultaneously move up or down. If one spring fails, the function of your garage door will suffer, and the speeds at which the two sides rise or fall will differ. As a result, you can expect more noise when operating your garage door as the still-operational spring strains to create balance for the opposing side.
Both springs must work together to safely raise and gently lower the garage door. Safety concerns can occur when only one spring is used for operation, and the door's health may also suffer. Replacing both springs is necessary if you want your door functional again, and only a specialist with the proper tools and training can perform the necessary repairs and replacement.
Garage doors can weigh hundreds of pounds, and you shouldn't ever put yourself or your home in danger by attempting to repair or replace the springs that hold it securely in place. Getting professional assistance with replacing both springs is your safest course of action.
We are Sevan Systems, a reputable garage door installation and repair company, and our technicians have earned a reputation for producing high-quality results for our customers over the years. We also provide security installation services and more. We proudly serve Capitol Hill, WA, and many surrounding areas. Contact us now if your garage door requires a spring replacement or for any other garage door issues and repairs.