Our garage doors work hard, opening and closing multiple times a day. We can easily overlook the workload we put our garage door through. If we factor in the weight of the garage door, the age of the garage door and the frequency of its use, it is amazing they last as long as they do! Our team of professionals at Sevan Locks and Doors in Seattle, Washington is here to help you figure out what to do when your garage door breaks.
Eventually, every garage door will need repairs or replacement from normal wear and tear. Sometimes, components of the garage door, like the springs can rupture. Or maybe the garage door opener motor has burned out. What are homeowners supposed to do when their garage door breaks? Can you DIY or do you need to call out a professional?
Sometimes your garage door will not work because the power has been disengaged. There are three main electrical components you should check first:
First, check your garage door circuit breakers to ensure it is receiving power. If one of your breakers has popped, you can easily reset your breaker and see if that solves your problem. Then, check your safety sensors are properly aligned. The garage door will not work if one of the sensors has been knocked out of alignment. Lastly, ensure your emergency release cord hanging from the garage door opener is fully engaged. These issues can be easily resolved without the need for professional assistance.
Next, we need to visually inspect the inside and outside of the garage door. During the homeowner’s visual inspection, take care to follow the path of all the garage door components:
Has one of these broken on your garage door or is there something in your garage that is simply blocking the path of the garage door components? Some of the garage door components can be repaired, while others need to be replaced once broken. Also, there are some components of the garage door mechanism that require specialized tools to remove and install, which will require professional assistance.
It’s important for homeowners to understand that attempting to repair the garage door on your own can be very dangerous. For your safety, and to preserve your door, call your professionals in garage doors. For example, the springs of your garage door are under a lot of tension and will cause serious injury if they break and launch across your garage at full force. If one of the garage door components has split or ruptured on your garage door, call a professional for assistance.
When homeowners attempt to repair their garage doors, a small problem can turn into a big problem very easily. The garage door itself weighs hundreds of pounds and all components are connected. Trying to open a broken door will cause further damage to the door’s lifting mechanism. Additionally, you can inadvertently void your garage door warranty by attempting self-repairs.
Sevan Locks and Doors is located in Seattle, Washington and provides outstanding professional garage door services. If you have any questions about your garage door, call Sevan Locks and Doors to help you with all your garage door needs. Our technicians are licensed, bonded, and insured in the state of Washington and look forward to helping you soon!