You have several great reasons why you should get an access control system for your Seattle building. We only delve into the top six reasons why you should purchase a system for your facility. Access control systems let you monitor who goes where while protecting vital areas of your building. It provides security, peace of mind and keeps unwanted visitors away from your company secrets. Let’s dive into more details.
A stable business has the best chance of growing over time. That’s why employees need to feel safe and secure in your building. When employees feel safe, they are more productive, collaborate better and simply enjoy coming to work.
When you use an access control system instead of a regular key system, the experience is considerably safer. No one has to worry about unauthorized personnel or visitors who are not allowed on the premises. This extra layer of security makes employees feel better about working in your building.
If you pay attention to the findings from The Association of Fraud Examiners report that was released in April 2015, you discover that internal theft at a company accounts for up to 5 percent of the annual revenues of that firm. As you might expect, the smaller the business or company is, the more disproportionate the loss is going to be.
If you have an access control system in place, then you can control where you want certain employees to be in your business. You can have limited access for some employees to high-risk or stock areas. Access control systems let you monitor who goes where. This gives you a chance to control where visitors can go as well.
When people use a standard key to access your building, there is no way for you to figure out who is going in and out and what time they did so. The only way to determine that with a keyed system is through video surveillance, and that’s too time-consuming.
With an access control system, you’ll get added security. The computer says which card accessed what door and when. You get to see who goes where. These reports have the ability to tell you who had access where and at what time. Additionally, it can help to create a trail so you can electronically manage the time and attendance of all the employees you have in the building. In the case of an emergency or a shutdown, you can quickly and easily see where each and every person is within your building. If a criminal investigation happens, you have proof of someone’s whereabouts.
When it comes to the majority of buildings, companies use a typical keyed system. With access control, you will have no worries when it comes to keys because you don’t have any! If you have keys for your building, you always have to worry about who has them, what they’re going to do with them, duplications or someone losing keys. All of these factors present security risks.
With an access control system, all of your employees will access the building by swipe cards, buttons or fingerprints. Say goodbye to your key worries.
If you have an access control system, then you minimize the risk of something happening in your building. That’s because you can grant exactly the amount of access each employee needs. You don’t need to give them access to the building at all times like they would have with a key.
If you have a cleaning staff, then you can give them access during the hours they clean and nothing more. Additionally, an access control system can help to give the employees access to certain rooms while leaving some of the most important rooms off limits.
If you’ve ever had temporary workers in your building, such as a tech person or a contractor, then you know how annoying it can be to have somebody there to let them into the building after normal business hours. If you have an access control system, then you can easily allow any individuals access to the building when you are not there!
No matter where you might be at the time, the access control system gives you the power to give access to your building remotely and you always can keep an eye on who is going in and out at all times.
Now that you know some of the main of the reasons why you should consider getting an access control system for your building, it’s time to get in touch with somebody that can make that happen. If you’re in the Seattle area and you’re looking for somebody to help with your access control system, visit Sevan Locks & Doors to help get all of your needs taken care of in the simplest way possible.
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