To ensure that your garage door lasts its entire lifespan, it is crucial to do the necessary maintenance as it ages and its components start to wear out. Various conditions and events can cause the decline of your garage door. Overloading, aging, a lack of lubrication or fittings, and improper use are the most frequent causes.
Most garage door manufacturers advise planning at least once-yearly maintenance, also known as garage door tune-ups, to avoid these and other issues. This article examines what a tune-up entails, its benefits, and how you can identify when you require one.
An automated garage door and opener should have a tune-up performed at least once every one to two years to maintain smooth performance and safety. An inspection, adjustment, and lubrication of all the moving parts typically occur as part of the tune-up service to identify any stuck, worn-out, or damaged parts before they cause problems. A technician often starts a garage door tune-up by looking for cracks, corrosion, or dents on the outside door.
Next, they check internal parts, including springs, tracks, and rollers, to identify whether changes or replacements are required. Other components, including sensors and photo eyes, are also examined for correct alignment and operation to prevent accidents during usage. All moving parts should be properly lubricated, and any nuts and bolts will be checked and tightened as needed.
Your garage door will perform better, last longer, and operate safely if you get it regularly serviced. A smooth-operating garage door reduces stress on your door and your electric opener by keeping its springs and other parts in good condition. The following are some benefits related to routinely getting a garage door tune-up:
It's important to remember to schedule a garage door tune-up as part of your routine home maintenance. In addition to enhancing the appearance and feel of your house, a well-maintained garage door can add an extra level of security.
Recognizing the signs of your garage door needing a tune-up can help save you a lot of money from unnecessary breakdowns and costly repairs. The following are some common indicators that your garage door may require maintenance:
It is best to seek a professional for assistance if you observe any of the above signs. With a professional's help, a garage door tune-up can restore your system to operating normally and safely.
At Sevan Systems, we understand how important the safety and security of your home, vehicle, and business are to you. Our success is tied to providing our customers with affordable and reliable garage door, locksmith, and security services. We proudly service and help safeguard the city of Seattle, WA. We also service many surrounding areas, including Northgate, Magnolia, Capitol Hill, and Downtown Seattle. For expert and honest security tips and solutions, please contact us today.